GWC Water Delivery Charges

Example of Charges

[Note: 1 C class share = 1 megalitre of water entitlement or 1000 Kilolitres]

Quartly Fixed Charges

John Example is a member of Gascoyne Water Co-operative he owns 38 shares. His yearly charges will be: 38 x $204.10 = $7755.80 for a full year. John will be charged 4 installments of $1938.95. He will also pay monthly for the water he uses in addition to the fixed charge. If he uses the full 10,000 he will pay $1122.00 in total. Water usage is billed monthly in arrears.

Important info

All charges are payable within 28 days from date of invoice. 

Members are NOT permitted to consume water in excess of their allocation and Overuse Rates will apply. Members will be charged the Overuse rate per KL for any consumption in excess of their allocation. Access to water may be restricted or denied.

Currently no Concessions apply to members of the Co-operative.


Your C class water entitlements can be found on your share certificate – this is your base water allocation. Depending on water availability the permitted water allocation is determined by the Board in conjunction with Department of Water & Water Corporation and members are notified yearly (late Nov early Dec) of their annual allocation for the coming year.

A Class shares are for membership of the Co-operative. Every new member is now required to buy and is issued 500 shares.  Memberships prior to the new rules have been transferred across at the rates held prior to the change of rules.  Membership entitles those eligible to vote a vote at the Annual General Meeting – only one vote per membership.

If you have misplaced your share certificates please come into the office at 50 Boundary road to request a duplicate.  You will need to sign a Statutory Declaration to declare you do not have them in your possession or know where they are.  The administration staff can assist you to complete this form but you will need to obtain the appropriately qualified person to witness your signing of the declaration.

Lessees are NOT entitled to copies of share certificates. If lessees are to receive statements/invoices direct the owner of the property must complete a form to authorise this.  Ultimately the owner(s) are responsible for payment of all co-operative accounts if the lessee defaults.


Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd  ABN 32 590 776 789  
Phone: (08) 9941 4488  |  Fax: (08) 9941 4499  |  Email: [email protected]

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