Office hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
(08) 9941 4488

Mortgage Registration Information

Registration of Mortgage or Charge Information

Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd permits the registration of an interest, charge or mortgage over the C Class Shares/water entitlements of members. Should members select to register an interest, charge or mortgage over their water they are required to The following form can be used by Financial Institutions to register their interest over the water entitlements of members of Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd.

Please note: In accordance with Section 72 of the Co-operatives Act 2009, Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd will have a first and paramount charge or lien upon all Shares registered in the name of any Member for that Member’s debts, liabilities and engagements to, or with the Co-operative, whether the time for their payment, fulfilment or discharge has actually arrived or not.

Please use this form for registering an interest, charge or mortgage:
Registration of Encumbrance over Water Entitlements

To release an interest over water please use this form:
Release of Encumbrance over C Class Shares

Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd  ABN 32 590 776 789  
Phone: (08) 9941 4488  |  Fax: (08) 9941 4499  |  Email:

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