Water Supply Connection Application

Please read the Terms & Conditions below and complete the form to apply for a Coral Coast Water Supply Connection.

    Personal Details

    Please select your preferred contact method

    Connection Details

    Please select your Preferred meter size

    Please provide an estimate of the amount of water you envisage using from our system per annum.

    Please tick the box that best describes what you will be using Coral Coast water supply for:
    (if you have more than one use please tick all relevant boxes)

    Proof of Ownership

    Please submit a copy of your Certificate of Title as proof of ownership of the property when lodging your application.
    Your application won’t be progressed until a copy of the Title has been produced.

    Terms & Conditions

    The water we supply is for stock watering or garden irrigation only and is non-potable.  It is raw water and no treatments are carried out to the water so it is not suitable for human consumption or domestic purposes. 

    Please note that if the water is going to be used to derive an income the commercial service charge and consumption charges will apply.  Coral Coast Water P/L may carry out an inspection to ensure the water is being used for the designated purpose. 

    Connection Costs & Payments

    All connections to the Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd water supply are subject to approval by the Board. After review by the Board your application will be processed and you will be notified of its success/failure. Payment for connection must be made prior to the commencement of meter installation. No materials or works will commence prior to the full payment of the agreed connection cost.

    Minimum Standard for Connection Requirements

    Section 1.1.20 outlines the following requirements with regards to private works to be undertaken at the sole responsibility of the customer prior to the installation of a new service: all water supply pipe work and fittings on the Customer’s side of the Meter; a water storage tank having a capacity of not less than Five Thousand (5,000) Litres; a float and shut-off valve or other suitable flow control mechanism to avoid overflow from the Customer’s tank; a registered air gap in accordance with Australian and New Zealand Plumbing Standard “AS/NZ2S 3500-2003 Plumbing and Drainage” between the supply outlet and the maximum level of the Customer’s tank; and any other necessary private plumbing works  

    The above requirements need to be certified by a plumber and the certification certificate forwarded to our office.


    Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd  ABN 32 590 776 789  
    Phone: (08) 9941 4488  |  Fax: (08) 9941 4499  |  Email: [email protected]

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