Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd (GWC) has guidelines for all customers regarding Complaints to assist them in understanding how GWC manage complaints.
The purpose of this policy is to act as a Guide for the Complainant setting out how to lodge and complaint and the complaints management process. The following guidelines are to align with the Complaint Procedure.
How to Lodge a Complaint
The following methods can be used to lodge a complaint about the provision of irrigation water by customers of Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd (GWC) or its’ subsidiary Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd (CCW):
In Person: You can call into the office located on 50 Boundary Road during office hours (8:30am-4:00pm) and lodge your complaint in writing or verbally with our administration staff.
By Mail: you can mail your complaint to Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd, PO BOX 5, CARNARVON WA 6701.
By Email: You can email your complaint to:
How Complaints are Recorded
All complaints whether written, by telephone or verbal over the counter and that are not rectified immediately, will be given a unique Complaint ID#. The numbering system will be as follows: The current year “YYYY” followed by 001, 002, 003 and so on sequentially numbered to end of year for each individual complaint.
For example, the first complaint received in 2012 would be numbered 2012.001 with the second complaint numbered 2012.002 and so on until the year is complete.
The Complaint Management Process
The customer complaint management process operates within a framework of natural justice and confidentiality. The following complaint management process includes:
Customer Rights & Responsibilities
Customers can expect to:
Customers are expected to:
Promotion & Transparency
The Co-operative shall demonstrate commitment to promotion and transparency by:
Timeliness of Response
The Co-operative shall demonstrate commitment to the resolution of complaints in a timely manner by:
Assistance with Complaints
The Co-operative shall ensure that all customers have the opportunity to provide feedback by:
The Co-operative will seek to apply remedies which take into account the circumstances of the case, legal obligations and good industry practice. These may include:
Depending on circumstances some remedies will need the authorisation of the Board of Directors before being agreed upon.
Dispute Resolution
After you have given us the opportunity to resolve your complaint, if you are still not satisfied with the outcome, you may refer your complaint to:
The Company Secretary will arrange for the establishment of a Disputes Committee formed from elected members of the Disputes Panel to consider the matter.
Complaint: An expression of dissatisfaction or concern by, or on behalf of a customer regarding any aspect of the manner in which the Co-operative or staff member delivered a service.
A complaint can be made verbally or in writing (letter, facsimile, email). Verbal complaints will be documented immediately the Co-operative staff member receives the complaint.
Complainant: A person who makes a complaint or expression of concern regarding any aspect of the manner in which a service has been delivered by the Co-operative or a Co-operative staff member.
Concern: An expression of concern regarding any aspect of the manner in which a service has been delivered where the customer states: They are not making a complaint or where the issue can be resolved by the provision of an explanation of processes.
Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd ABN 32 590 776 789
Phone: (08) 9941 4488 | Fax: (08) 9941 4499 | Email:
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