Coral Coast Water

Who is Coral Coast Water?

Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Gascoyne Water Co-Operative Ltd (GWC) formed in 2002 to supply non-potable water to customers typically on lots less than 6ha. The water supplied is non-potable and should not be used for any household purposes. It is strictly for stock and garden use only. Anyone living in the area we are licenced to conduct irrigation services can apply to have a Coral Coast Water connection connected to their property. Coral Coast Water aim to provide a service to customers living in our operating area who have a need for water to be used in the garden or to fill up livestock watering tanks.

What is the cost of Coral Coast Water and how is it calculated?

An annual fixed service charge payable to CCW is billed quarterly for commercial customers and annually for non-commercial customers. Water usage charges are based on a year to date consumption total and billed monthly. You can view the full list of commercial and non-commercial rates by clicking the buttons below.

How to apply for a Coral Coast Water connection?

A customer seeking a new connection should fill out a Coral Coast Water application form (see below to download the form).

The GWC Board will review the application at the next monthly meeting. Approval of the application will depend on the availability of the connection in your location, whether the purpose meets the requirements for water usage and the availability of water within GWC’s allocation.

There is a standard connection fee of $5500 (incl. GST) applicable to all standard connections. Standard connections are where the feeder line runs directly past your property and on the same side of the road. Non-standard connections will be on a price on applicable basis.

A Supply Contract will be forwarded to approved connections detailing the conditions of connection and annual service and usage tariff structures. No connection will be installed without a signed Supply Contract.

The service will be installed within ten (10) business days from the date the following requirements are met: payment of the connection, a signed supply contract being returned and all “Private Works” e.g. minimum 5,000 Litre water storage tank fitted by a licenced plumber including registered air gap (Supply Contract details all Private Works requirements)

Conditions of having a CCW connection

Water supplied under a Coral Coast Water contract can’t be used for potable purposes including drinking, cooking, cleaning , bathing, laundry or any other household usage. It is to be used for stock and garden purposes ONLY. 

Your accounts must be kept in good standing and paid in a timely manner and our trading terms are 28 days from date of invoice. 

Your meter service area is to be kept clear and accessible at all times including providing access to read meters e.g. locked gate-provide key. All other conditions are set out in the Supply Contract.

Payment Methods

Currently you can pay water bills issued by Coral Coast Water by direct deposit into our bank account (details on our Tax Invoices); by Cheque; by cash. Unfortunately due to high bank fees we no longer offer payment by debit/credit card. There are currently no fees associated with these payment methods issued by Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd.

As a general rule Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd does not offer exemptions, discounts, rebates or concessions on its’ water charges.

Free Services

All Coral Coast Water Pty Ltd’s customers are entitled to the following services free of charge: services for account, payment and general enquiries for use by customers with hearing or speech impairment; interpreter services for account, payment and general enquiries; a large-print version of any of our publicly available documents. If you require any of the above listed services please contact the GWC Corporate Services Manager on 9941 4488 or call into 50 Boundary Road.

Gascoyne Water Co-operative Ltd  ABN 32 590 776 789  
Phone: (08) 9941 4488  |  Fax: (08) 9941 4499  |  Email: [email protected]

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